2015 Anatomical Chart Company Catalog

y 38 Nutrition Resources 39 Health Education 41 Training Aids 42 Anatomical 58 Skeletal 75 Gifts 76 Index Resources & Simulators Models Models

Skeletal Models


I. 5‘6“ (167.6cm)t tall


G. LWW Atlas of Anatomy Skeletal System Chart: Head and Trunk 978-0-7817-8654-6 Laminated.......................... H. LWW Atlas of Anatomy Skeletal System Chart: Upper and Lower Limbs 978-0-7817-8653-9 Laminated.......................... I. Adult Skeletons QS101 (Male).............................................. QS108 (Female)........................................... • Natural cast male adult or female adult skeletons. Lifelike representation of bone structure. Skull includes a removable calvarium and mandible. Extremities are removable and joints are movable. Both right and left foot can be detached. Mounted upright on a stand with rollers. • Somso ® Modelle, size: 5´ 6” (167.6cm) tall


J. 67“ (170.1cm) tall


J. Flexible Physiotherapy Skeleton with Stand Z3014.............................................................................. • Specifically designed for use in rehab, physical therapy and sports medicine offices. Life-size skeleton features a flexible spinal cord that holds bending positions, and the skull with sutures highlighted, arms, legs and feet are easily detach- able for patient consultation. The spine has spinal nerves and soft foam discs that allow for natural bending. The shoulders, hips and ankle joints have gliding joints that allow for easy movement. Mounted on a mobile base. Note: Express delivery is extra. • Size: 67” (170.1cm) tall

LWW Atlas of Anatomy Skeletal System Chart Set 978-0-7817-8641-6...................................




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