2015 Anatomical Chart Company Catalog
y 38 Nutrition Resources 39 Health Education 41 Training Aids 42 Anatomical 58 Skeletal 75 Gifts 76 Index Resources & Simulators Models Models
Anatomical Models
I. Median Section of the Head and Neck JS6509....................................................................................................................... • Cross-section of head and neck showing brain, nose, mouth, larynx and vertebral column of the neck. Bones, brain, larynx, nose, gullet and buccal cavity are numbered, key card is included. Made of fiberglass. Mounted on base. • Size: 10”x 12-3/4”x 2” (25.4cm x 32.4cm x 5.1cm) J. Human Half Head C14............................................................................................................................. • Life-size. Shows median and lateral sections. Median section shows central nervous system and anatomy of the pharynx and mouth. Lateral view shows superficial nerves and vascular distribution and muscles of the face and neck. Does not dissect. On base. 3B Scientific GmbH, size: 9”x 7”x 18” (22.9cm x 17.8cm x 45.7cm) K. Transparent Brain Model BS25T........................................................................................................................ • Life-size; separates into 15 parts: left cortex with sinus sagittalis, cervical vertebral column with spinal cord and vertebral artery, right transparent cortex, right half of spheroid bone, removable right and left brain stem, right and left insular cortex, left striate body, right capsularinterna, corpus callosuem, fornix, limbic system and ventricle system, right and left halves of the cerebellum. Somso ® Modelle, size: 7”x 8”x 12” (17.8cm x 20.3cm x 30.5cm) L. Deluxe Brain Model BS20.......................................................................................................................... • Life-size, dissects into 8 parts: frontal and parietal lobes (2), temporal and occipital lobes (2), medulla (2), and cerebellum (2). Cast from a human specimen in SOMSO-Plast. ® • Somso ® Modelle, size: 6-1/3”x 6-1/3”x 6-1/2” (16.1cm x 16.1cm x 16.5cm)
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