2015 Anatomical Chart Company Catalog
y 38 Nutrition Resources 39 Health Education 41 Training Aids 42 Anatomical 58 Skeletal 75 Gifts 76 Index Resources & Simulators Models Models
Training Aids & Simulators
Hand Hygiene
When to Practice Hand Hygiene in Patient Care? •Touchingapatient •Clean/asepticprocedure •GloveUse Before •Bodyfluidexposure •Touchingpatientorpatient surroundings •Gloveuse After
Why is Hand Hygiene so Important? Handsare themainpathways togerm transmissionduringhealthcare. Therefore,goodhandhygiene is themost importantmethodofavoiding spreadinggermsandpreventinghealth-careassociated infections.
Wash handswhen visibly soiled.Otherwise, use hand rub. Durationof handwashingprocess: 40 – 60 seconds. Hand Washing Techniques
Hand Rubbing Techniques Rub handswith alcohol for hand hygiene.Wash handswhen visibly soiled. Durationof hand rubbingprocess: 20 – 30 seconds.
20-30 seconds
40-60 seconds
Applyapalmfulofproduct inacuppedhand,coveringall surfaces.
Applyenough soap tocoverallhand surfaces.
2.Rubhands,palm topalm.
3.Leftpalmover rightdorsum (top sideof righthand)with interlaced fingers.Reverseandplace right palmover leftdorsum (top sideof lefthand)with interlacedfingers.
4.Placehandspalm topalm withfingers interlaced.
5.Placebacksoffingers toopposing palmswithfingers interlocked.
6.Clasp rightpalmaround left thumb and rotate.Reverse -clasp leftpalm around right thumband rotate.
7.Claspfingersof righthandand rub leftpalm rotationallyback- wardsand forwards.Reverse – claspfingersof lefthandand rub rightpalm rotationallybackwards and forwards.
Dryhands thoroughlywitha single-use towel.
Use towel to turnoff faucet.
Oncedry,handsare safe.
Alcohol hand rubs arepreferredover handwashing because alcohol removesmicroorganisms from handsmorequickly and effectively than handwashing.However, after caring for apatienton isolation forClostridiumdifficile infectionorNorovirus infection, hands shouldbewashedwith soap andwater. Alcoholwill not kill these twomicroorganisms. •Alcohol is lessdrying to the skin thanhandwashing. •Hand careproducts shouldbe used regularly to keep skinof the hands ingood condition. •Finger nail tips shouldbe kept short—not longer than¼ inch (.6 cm) •Artificial nails should notbewornby healthcareworkerswho care for high-riskpatients Reminders
PublishedbyAnatomicalChartCompany.Developed in consultationwithC.GlenMayhallM.D.
Oncedry,handsare safe.
J. Venipuncture Training Arm Model G26220.......................................................................... • This lifelike arm model may be injected with a syringe or IV drip at the antecubital fossa, forearm, and back of the hand. Will withstand many sticks and can be easily restored to its original feel with powder. The model may be washed with soap and water. Core is made of lightweight flexible foam, skin is Latex. Comes with durable carrying case that measures 21-1/2”x 1-1/2”x 4” (51.6cm x 3.8cm x 10.1cm). K. Injection Teaching Model A26200.......................................................................... • Teaching model provides flesh-like surface for practice of injection techniques. Biolike™ material can be punctured repeatedly without showing holes. Injection of liquid not recommended. Includes carrying case. • Size: 6“x 4-3/4“x 1-3/4“ (15.6cm x 12.1cm x 4.4cm)
L. Hand Hygiene Chart 978-1-4511-9338-1 Laminated......................................
M. Male Model with Bladder A26104............................................................. $200.00 • This model allows students to practice locating the urethra and inserting a catheter through it into the bladder. Made of Biolike 2™, a soft fleshy feeling plastic, this model features a visco-elastic urethra that accurately duplicates the feeling of inserting a lubricated catheter into the bladder. Carrying case and lubricant included. Catheter not included. Size: 9” x 4” x 6” (22.9cm x 10.1cm x 15.2cm) N. Female Model with Bladder A26108.......................................................................... • Allows students to locate urethra and pass lubricated catheter through it into bladder. Made of Biolike™, a soft fleshy material, it has a visco-elastic urethra. Lubricant included. • Female 6“x 4“x 6“ (15.2cm x 10.1cm x 15.2cm)
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“Wonderful teaching tool” Valerie, Dallas, TX
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