2015 Anatomical Chart Company Catalog
4 Charts & Posters 27 Chart Collections 31 Reference Materials 35 Pediatric/Elementary 36 Alternative Therapy & Study Aids Reference Materials Resources
Alternative Therapy Resources
A. A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, 5th Edition 978-1-60831-910-7.................................................................................................... • This new edition offers detailed information on the etiology, signs, symptoms, and treatment of more than 500 diseases and conditions, and also helps students discover how massage therapy influences the healing process. Organized by body system, this cornerstone textbook features case histories and updated content to reflect new research on pathologies, and maintains the focus on not only explaining the disease, but also its applicability and indications in massage therapy. • 663 pages, 232 illustrations, soft cover B. Introduction to Massage Therapy, 3rd Edition 978-1-4511-7319-2.................................................................................................... • A comprehensive, user-friendly introductory text that helps beginning students learn history, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, assessment, terminology and pathology. Illustrations and artwork clarify anatomy, positioning and hands-on techniques. • 544 pages, 400 illustrations, soft cover C. Trigger Points: Understanding Myofascial Pain and Discomfort, 2nd Edition 978-1-58779-959-4.................................................................................................... • Flip chart is perfect visual aid for explaining role of trigger points in causing pain and discomfort. Includes 33 detailed anatomical illustrations of trigger points, affected pain sensitive areas and 22 diagrams of pain relief exercises. Built-in easel. • Nine markable, laminated pages. Size: 11“x 14“ (27.9cm x 35.6cm)
D. Travell and Simons’ Trigger Point Flip Charts 978-0-683-18008-4.................................................................................................... • From definitive work on locating trigger points and easing myofascial pain. All upper and lower extremity pain patterns and corresponding trigger points clearly illustrated in convenient spiral bound flip chart. Includes folding easel. • 24 pages, size: 12“x 15“ (30.5cm x 38.1cm) E. Trigger Points I and II Chart Set TRIGP (heavy paper).................................................................................................. TRIGL (laminated)...................................................................................................... • Shows every trigger point in human anatomy. Important areas are color-coded. • Set of 2 charts, each 21“x 34“ (53.3cm x 86.4cm) F. Trigger Point Chart Set: Torso and Extremities, 2nd Edition 978-0-7817-7306-5 (heavy paper)............................................................................. 978-0-7817-7307-2 (laminated)................................................................................. • Clearly labels specific muscles affected by trigger points. Colorfully illustrated trigger point locations, primary and secondary pain sensitive zones, origins and insertions for many impacted muscles. RW1L......................................................................................................................... • Based on Dr. James Tin Yau So’s Book of Acupuncture Points , this chart combines 3 separate views and many smaller illustrations on one 23“ x 36“ (58.4cm x 91.4cm) chart. Concentrating on channel point positions, it also includes the major extra points with contraindication. • Laminated for durability. • Set of 2 charts, each 20“x 26“ (50.8cm x 66cm) G. The Points and Meridians of Acupuncture
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