2014 Textbook Catalogue (Priced)

An Academic Electronic Health Record for your Entire Curriculum



Built by Educators. Designed for Success.

Lippincott’s DocuCare is:

• Easy to Navigate - A user-friendly navigation allows students to explore the patient chart at their own pace, with tabbed navigation that provides access to any area of the patient chart, at any time. Lippincott’s DocuCare is completely web-based for access anywhere with an Internet connection. • Ready to Use - With over 150 pre-populated patient records, Lippincott’s DocuCare is ready to use. Student and Instructor Resources are available on thePoint to help you get up and running with DocuCare, and to help you implement DocuCare into your program. • An Educational Curriculum Solution - You’ll find patients to cover the nursing curriculum with a variety of diseases, conditions and demographics. Teach students HOW to use an EHR in a safe setting,and measure their success by assigning and evaluating documentation.

• Flexible & Customizable - In addition to the pre-populated patient records, DocuCare also allows you to edit any of the provided records, but to also create your own records from scratch.

• A Source of Real-World Content - Unique to DocuCare, you will also find links to Lippincott’s Nursing Solutions within the patient records. These links provide access to a subset of content entries used in over 1300 hospitals nationwide. Access evidence-based disease and condition information, step-by-step skills and procedure information, and full drug monographs within a patient chart.


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