2014 Medical Reference Catalogue
The MGH Review of Critical Care Medicine
The Washington Manual of Critical Care
Second Edition
Second Edition, Revised
Sheri M. Berg, MD Edward A Bittner MD, PhD
Marin Kollef, MD Professor of Medicine, Virginia E. and Sam J. Golman Chair in Respiratory Intensive Care Medicine, Director, Respiratory Care Services, Director, Critical Care Research, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO
October 2013 / Paperback Approx. 448 pp. / Approx. 16 lllus. / Approx. 53 Tables 9781451173680
October 2013 / Paperback Approx. 732 pp. / Approx. 150 lllus. / Approx. 50 Tables 9781451193879 Series: Lippincott Manual Series
The MGH Review of Critical Care MedicineThe field of critical care medicine is evolving quickly. To prepare for certification and refresh their knowledge, today’s practitioners need a concise multidisciplinary review that focuses on the core areas of critical care. Ideal for critical care fellows, critical care nurses, residents, and practitioners who spend time in the ICU, The MGH Review of Critical Care Medicine employs brief chapters on focused topics to help readers review core areas and test their knowledge. FEATURES f f Broad scope addresses all major topics is adult critical care with contributions from experts in a range of disciplines. f f Concise chapters based on commonly referenced topics make the review easy to navigate. f f Focused discussions are based on patient presentation and are structured to include common causes, initial management strategies, pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, management, and outcomes. f f Incisive review questions (3–10 per topic) include answers and explanations to help readers understand the “how” and “why” behind each answer. f f Staff of MGH and its sister institutions provide consistent terminology and presentation throughout the review.
Prepared by residents and faculty at the Washington University School of Medicine, this pocket manual contains easy-to-read algorithms for the management of more than 80 medical and surgical problems arising in the intensive care unit. Chapters focus on specific problems and the algorithms provide straightforward approaches to the management of these issues. Coverage includes a section on procedures commonly performed in the intensive care unit. Appendices include common equations in the ICU, drug-drug interactions, and common drug dosages and side effects.
Medical Reference Catalogue
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