2014 Medical Reference Catalogue
John C. Clohisy, MD Professor, Orthopedic Surgery Director, Center for Adolescent and Young Hip Disorders Co-Chief, Adult Reconstructive Surgery Service Director, Fellowship in Joint Preservation, Resurfacing and Replacement Hip Preservation Surgery
Seventh Edition Stuart LWeinstein, MD Professor and Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Orthopaedics, University of Iowa Hospital, Iowa City, IA John M. Flynn, MD Attending Surgeon, Associate Trauma Director, Orthopaedic Surgery, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, University Lovell and Winter's Pediatric Orthopaedics
August 2014 / Hardcover Approx. 835 pp. / Approx. 1825 lllus. 9781451183931
of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA December 2013 / Hardcover Approx. 2544 pp. / Approx. 2500 lllus. / Approx. 100 Tables 9781605478142
There is a rising interest in trying to preserve hips, especially in younger patients, rather than replacing them. Hips are preserved by providing the patient with a new area of articular cartilage that prevents bone from rubbing on bone. This book, by the leaders in the field, will comprehensively cover both the basic science and operative techniques necessary to understand and master the clinical skills necessary for hip preservation.
Now in its updated Seventh Edition, Lovell and Winter’s Pediatric Orthopaedics remains a must-have for physicians and residents treating infants, children, and adolescents with orthopaedic problems. This classic, comprehensive reference covers the basic science, clinical manifestations, and management of orthopaedic problems in children. Now in full color, the foremost orthopaedists examine normal musculoskeletal development and the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of the entire range of abnormalities, with emphasis on evidence-based decision making in treatment selection.The clinical chapters include pearls and pitfalls and a description of the author's preferred approach. The book will now cover surgical techniques of management with step- by-step illustrations from the Atlas of Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery.
f f Authors are the inventors of these techniques f f First comprehensive coverage of hip preservation surgery f f This is a growing area of orthopedics f f Covers anatomy, pathology, biomechanics, and treatment.
f f New full-color interior design f f Over 2,500 illustrations complement the text
f f Pearls and pitfalls in clinical chapters f f Increased coverage on fracture care f f Companion Website with fully searchable text and an image bank
Medical Reference Catalogue
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