2014 Medical Reference Catalogue
Anesthesiologist's Manual of Surgical Procedures Fifth Edition Richard Jaffe, MD Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA Clifford Schmiesing, MD Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA Brenda Golianu, MD Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA
Lippincott's Anesthesia Review: 1000 Questions and Answers
Paul Sikka, MD
May 2014 / Hardcover Approx. 1648 pp. / Approx. 550 lllus. 9781451176605
October 2014 / Paperback Approx. 400 pp. / Approx. 275 lllus. 9781451132007
This practical reference is a comprehensive guide to the anesthetic and perioperative management of patients before and during all procedures performed by general and subspecialist surgeons requiring anesthetic management. The book explains each procedure from both the surgeon and anesthesiologist perspectives, presents details on anesthetic technique, and guides the anesthesiologist and surgeon through the decisions that must be made before, during, and after surgery. Emphasis is on factors that impact the anesthesiologist, including patient positioning, duration of surgery, and complications. New topics include Irreversible Electroporation (IRE Ablation), ERCP, Management of the difficult airway, and Anticoagulation Guidelines for Neuraxial Procedures. f f Anesthetic Considerations are presented in templated format for both preoperative and intraoperative f f Concise treatment of all procedures, including subspecialties f f Each procedure is reviewed from both the surgeon's and anethesiologist's perspective f f Easy-to-review tables summarize each procedure f f New! New procedures on ERCP, Irreversible Electroporation (IRE Ablation), Difficult Airway Management, and Anticoagulation Guidelines for Neuraxial Procedures f f Expanded discussion of intraoperative monitoring FEATURES
A new question and answer review book for anesthesia residents studying for the in-training exam or the written board exam. Also an excellent study tool for practitioners studying for the recertification exam. Covers 1000 questions and answers covering all areas of anesthesiology. Multiple-choice style questions incorporating tables, drawings and photographs.
f f "Common Mistakes Made on this Question" feature f f Answers will frequently explain why answers are right AND why incorrect answers are wrong. f f Over 1000 exam-style questions and answers f f Questions and answers incorporate graphics when necessary, including full-color TEE images.
Medical Reference Catalogue
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